Oral presentations

Parallel sessions 8B

8B - Monsoon system: Dust I & II
Pr.8B.1 Comparison between the mineral dust content simulated over Western Africa with the CHIMERE-DUST model and surface observations from the Sahelian Dust Transec  B. Marticorena
Pr.8B.2 Downscaling West African climate: a perspective for impact studies B. Pohl
Pr.8B.3 Investigating Peak-wind Generating Mechanisms Driving Dust Emissions in West Africa B. Heinhold 
Pr.8B.4 What is the influence of surface properties on wind erosion in semi-arid regions? A modelling case study during AMMA  C. Bouet

Pr.8B.5 Intercontinental transport and climatic impact of Saharan and Sahelian dust N.E. Toure
Pr.8B.6 The evolution of the Saharan Boundary layer thermodynamics and composition in connection with intra-seasonal pulsations of the West African Heat Low C. Flamant 
Pr.8B.7 Meteorology and dust in the central Sahara: Observations from Fennec supersite-1 during the June 2011 Intensive Observation Period  J. Marsham 
Pr.8B.8 Verification of mesoscale dust forecasts over the Sahara during FENNEC 2011 J.P.
Pr.8B.9 The Saharan heat low and the West African Monsoon - Simultaneous aircraft observations from Fennec S.
Pr.8B.10 Impacts of the dust on the West African synoptic components and rainfall in summertime  C. Lavaysse 

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