Practical information


Overall map of Toulouse

Time Zone

GMT/UTC +1 (Central European Time)

Weather in Toulouse

Meteo France

Health and Safety

Pharmacies can be identified by a Green Cross.

SAMU (ambulance) - Tel: 15 (free)   Police Emergency (from a cell phone) -
Tel: 112
Fire Department - Tel: 18 (free)   European emergency call: 112
Police - Tel: 17 (free)    


The workshop organizers cannot accept liability for personal injuries sustained, or for loss of, or damage to, property belonging to conference participants or their accompanying persons, either during or as a result of the workshop. Participants are advised to arrange for insurance to cover medical, travel, and personal effects while attending the meetings.

Currency and Banks

Credit and debit cards are convenient. Visa and MasterCard (Access or Eurocard) are widely accepted; AmEx cards are useful at more upmarket establishments. In general, all three cards can be used in shops, supermarkets, for train travel, car rentals, autoroute tolls and cash advances. Remember you'll need to know your PIN number (le code) to use a credit card in many hotels, shops and restaurants.

Exchange rate given by the Universal Currency Converter

Post Office

Letter boxes are yellow. Stamps can be bought in post offices, open Monday to Friday and Saturday morning, as well as in tobacconists.

Air Travel

Rail travel

Car Travel

Speed is limited to 50 Km/h in town, and 90 Km/h out of town and 130 Km/h on motorways.
In towns, parking is controlled and must be paid for.



The electrical voltage in France is 220 volts


Smoking is forbidden in public areas as well as in restaurants and bars.