Oral presentations

Parallel session 2C

2C - Monsoon system: Clouds-convection
Pr.2C.1 Documentation of convective processes along squall lines from the isotopic composition of near-surface water vapor in Niamey (Niger) during the 2010 and 2011 West African monsoon periods G. Tremoy
 Pr.2C.2 Characterization of the atmosphere to the passage of squall lines at Dakar from 1968 to 2006. B. Diop
 Pr.2C.3 Characterization of local deep convection observed in the Sahel over Niamey during the pre-onset period C. Dione
Pr.2C.4 The impact of soil moisture and convectively-generated waves on the initiation of a West African mesoscale convective system C. Birch
Pr.2C.5 Convection-permitting ensemble simulations for West Africa V. Kluepfel
Pr.2C.6 Impact of land surface properties on convection in a 40 day convection-permitting simulation over West Africa C. Taylor
Pr.2C.7 The diurnal cycle of storms versus African Easterly Waves C. Bain
Pr.2C.8 Observations of the modulation of convection by African Easterly Waves C. Thorncroft
Pr.2C.9 Early genesis of African Easterly Waves in the Eastern Atlantic A. Brammer
Pr.2C.10 Life cycle of the mesoscale convective systems in the WAM: a satellite perspective R. Roca

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