Oral presentations

Parallel session 4D

4D - Monsoon system: Clouds-convection III
Pr.4D.1 The vertical cloud structure of the West African monsoon  T. Stein
Pr.4D.2 The Representation of ultra-low clouds over the Southern West African monsoon region in observations, re-analysis data and climate models  P. Knippertz 
Pr.4D.3 Simulation of ultra-low clouds over the southern West African monsoon region with the regional model WRF R. Schuster
Pr.4D.4 Evaluation of the representation of daytime convection over land by parametrized models in semi-arid condition  F. Couvreux 
Pr.4D.5 Density current parametrization at LMD and CNRM  J.Y. Grandpeix 

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