Oral presentations

Plenary session 3 - Society-Environment-Climate

PL.3.1  Land use rationales in desert fringe agriculture  L. V. Rasmusen
PL.3.2  Gender perspectives on climate change, agriculture and food security at village-level: case studies in four CCAFS benchmark sites in West Africa J. Gué
PL.3.3  Rainfed agriculture evolution in a climate variability context of West Africa Sudano-Sahelian zone D. Diallo
PL.3.4 Cross-considerations of breeders on their vulnerability and adaptation coping recurrent crises and climate change B. Bonnet
PL.3.5 What potential impacts the African Great Green Wall may have on surface fluxes and stocks?  N. De Noblet
PL.3.6 People-centered flood early warning system in Mali:
ANADIA approach 
A. Di
PL.3.7 Rainfall mode and problem of supply drink water at Allada  C. G. Etene 
PL.3.8 The transcube model and tele-epidemiology over West Africa  Y. M. Tourre
PL.3.9 Environment, health and climate: Impact of African aerosols  C. Liousse 
PL.3.10 Vulnerability of the Sahelian rural populations to climate
variability: Mathematical modeling of the socio economic
M. Zorom 

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